

The Warrior Caste

Vows are taken by certain members of New Front society when they want to pledge or promise to adhere to a strict or more disciplined way of life.  Some witches and warriors take the Vow of Poverty to, in essence, give up material gain and pursuits in order to focus on improving their craft or skill in their chosen discipline.  Thora Burns, as a politician, not only takes the Vow of Poverty but also the Vow of Celibacy and the Vow of Truth.  Warrior Monks are required to take the Vow of Silence until they either leave the Monk order or ascend to the level of Priest.  These Vows are usually not permanent, it oftentimes covers only a predetermined amount of time in its pledges life.  However some pledges take on these Vows as lifelong commitments.  There are 7 vows.

The 7 Vows

1.   Poverty

2.   Silence

3.   Detachment

4.   Minimalism

5.   Chastity/ Celibacy

6.   Immaterialism

7.   Truth

The Vow of Poverty  


The Vow of Poverty requires that its pledge not seek economic profit or material gain of any kind.  People usually take this vow to free themselves of material trappings better enabling them to solely concentrate on mastering a chosen art, skill, craft, discipline, spiritual pursuit or a lifelong commitment to community service.

The Vow of Silence  


The Vow of Silence requires that its pledge not speak nor utter a sound.  It further requires that its pledge not engage in any form of non-verbal communication except when necessary.  Monks are required to take the Vow of Silence.  However some Warriors and Witches, especially Sorceresses, commit to this Vow.

The Vow of Detachment 


The Vow of Detachment requires that one not attach his or herself physically or emotionally to any person, place or thing.  This Vow usually goes hand in hand with the Vow of Poverty.  Pledges who commit to this vow are almost always Warriors.  Warriors train incessantly and have to pay very detailed attention to the workings and movements of their bodies, generally to the exclusion of all else.

Warriors live daily with the very real possibility of being killed as well.  So most Warriors also believe that having loved ones and being in love is a mental distraction and a tactical weakness especially if a warrior’s enemy targets his or her loved ones.  

Most warriors disavow attachment to all things except their chosen weapon.  A warrior’s weapon is considered an extension of his or her will and therefore not considered a thing.  Ironically however, most warriors are attached to their pride, which is the basis for most of the street fights in the inner, under and lower cities of New Front.

The Vow of Minimalism 


Someone who commits to living a life consuming and using no more than what is required or needed takes the Vow of Minimalism.  Environmental rights activists, energy conservationists and some Witches and Warriors usually commit to this.

The Vow of Chastity and Celibacy  


A man or woman who commits to a life without any type of sexual activity or attracting sexual attention takes the Vow of Chastity.  The Vow of Chastity applies to virgins.  Unmarried Acolyte virgins, male and female are required to take and hold to this vow until marriage.  

Witch Initiates, Students and Apprentices are required to take and hold to this vow until they become Practitioners, Mystics or full-fledged Witches.  Students in 4 of the Warrior Houses are also required to pledge to this vow until they graduate as Fighters, however most break this vow while still in school.

The Vow of Celibacy  


The Vow of Celibacy is taken after one has already engaged in sexual activity and chooses to stop and refocus his or her energies on other areas or aspects of their lives.  Some Warriors take this vow when they want to re-commit themselves to improving their fighting skill, especially if they are trying to ascend the Warrior Caste Scale or trying to focus on performing well in a fighting tournament or championship.

The Vow of Immaterialism  


A man or woman who commits to having no connection or attachment to physical possessions of any kind takes the Vow of Immaterialism.  Monks who have to focus all of their time and energy on enhancing themselves spiritually by virtually ignoring the material world usually take this vow.

The Vow of Truth  


This vow requires its pledges to commit to speaking the truth without fail, at all times, in any given situation.  People who commit to this vow know how powerful speaking the truth can be.  Therefore, pledges of this vow often speak as little as possible and seldom initiate conversation.  

But when speaking, they are required to be truthful and accurate.  They also have to respond to all questions asked to them.  They can either answer the question truthfully, or politely decline to answer it by explaining that the answer they give may cause undo embarrassment, injury or harm.  But if the person asking the question insists on hearing the truth, then the pledge of this vow must provide a truthful answer.